Mothers Day Pamper Hamper

Mothers Day Pamper Hamper


Life does not come with a manual; it comes with a mother. What to do when you are waiting and waiting for baby to arrive? This is a worthy gift hamper for every expectant mother. This hamper box/gift box is an excellent choice to give an expectant mum which is filled with lots of sweet treats-including chocolate, mindfulness activities- to keep the brain occupied, self-care products like hair mask and foot peel with goodness of argon oil as well as a vibrant coloured pencil and sharpener set. Pamper all mothers out there with specially crafted Mummy pamper hamper.

Mothers Day Pamper Hamper



Life does not come with a manual; it comes with a mother. What to do when you are waiting and waiting for baby to arrive? This is a worthy gift hamper for every expectant mother. This hamper box/gift box is an excellent choice to give an expectant mum which is filled with lots of sweet treats-including chocolate, mindfulness activities- to keep the brain occupied, self-care products like hair mask and foot peel with goodness of argon oil as well as a vibrant coloured pencil and sharpener set. Pamper all mothers out there with specially crafted Mummy pamper hamper.
