The Birth Ball – Birthing Ball for Pregnancy & Labor

The Birth Ball – Birthing Ball for Pregnancy & Labor


This is the best pregnancy ball available. It was my favourite item when I was in labour however I used to sit on it all the way through my pregnancy and well after birth too! It comes with some non slip socks which I wish I had when walking around the labour ward. These are a fantastic idea and no doubt will aid you in order to avoid slipping over.



This is the best pregnancy ball available. It was my favourite item when I was in labour however I used to sit on it all the way through my pregnancy and well after birth too!

It comes with some non slip socks which I wish I had when walking around the labour ward. These are a fantastic idea and no doubt will aid you in order to avoid slipping over.

During pregnancy it was widely common knowledge that just sitting on this ball and rolling your hips was great for baby to find the best position, ready for labour. If only I had this for my first pregnancy but was advised to get it fir my second and very glad I did.

During that labour it was a comfort that I had grown used to and it felt comfortable to put my head in it, the side if my face with knees in the floor…. it was a good way to roll around in pain! Sitting on it and rolling my hips seemed to help with contractions too.

After my birth, which was completely natural, I used to sit in it and roll my hips again whilst holding my newborn baby and this seemed to mimic her being in the womb, perhaps she remembered it or perhaps it really was like being in the womb! Doing kegals on it is a great idea too.  I confess that I didn’t lie my back in it like to lady in the photo but hey it’s yet another option to exercise with it and help get rid if that baby weight after the event. Either way it cannot be recommended highly enough.

It comes with a little bag to carry it in, when deflated and a convenient hand  pump. The booklet that comes with it is trimester specific so you can know which exercises are good for pre and post pregnancy.

You will not regret buying this as it becomes your best friend during pregnancy and after.
